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Archetype: BADGE

Archetypes, PreviewJason L Blair04 January 2012

Cops got it rough in Bedlam—no two ways about it. Seems even the good ones go bad eventually. You could say the turn is a matter of time, or opportunity, or maybe it’s just the product of exhaustion. You can’t swim against a torrent of shit forever. Hell, some cops dive under immediately. Sad truth is there’s good money doing that. And respect. And power. That’s how promotions are earned, how you get a seat next to the Mayor at the annual banquet. Other cops fight the good fight, as long as they can, until they see they’re going nowhere and buckle. All it takes is a gentle nudge sometimes. Still, some cops unwittingly step into servitude. Maybe they make a mistake that needs covered up by someone in power or get into the kind of trouble only a person of means can correct. Debt is one of the worst things in Bedlam. The badge is not a shield against all attackers.

Some cops though, they stick to the straight and narrow. Change the system from within? That’s not how a door gets knocked down. You put on your big boots and you kick that wood until it splinters. You do that, you best be careful. You never know whose door you’re cracking open there or what you might see on the other side. Carrying a badge in Bedlam means you have to make some hard choices. First one: How honest can you afford to be?

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One Response

  1. Nathaniel Garth Says:

    I think a David Sanbourn soundtrack comes to mind when I read about the Badge. Who would want to create a character like John Hartigan, Russell Stevens, or Will Graham.

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