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Unfulfilled Promises

UncategorizedJason L Blair09 September 2024

Seven years ago, I made some promises regarding Streets of Bedlam. Promises I didn’t keep. Promises I likely will never keep. And I apologize for that. Over the past seven years, my life has taken a number of twists, turns, dips, roundabouts, dropoffs, peaks, and valleys. My life has changed, friends. Considerably.

The very foundation of this here neo-noir game changed as well. A great new edition of Savage Worlds came out in 2019–itself already five years old. Tons of new neo-noir films have come out (a genre in which I am woefully behind). I no longer have much time for personal projects.

That said, I still love Streets of Bedlam to pieces. Such a fun world to crash into now and then. Such fun characters to write. I feel a need, a draw to do something with it.

A new edition? A novel? A video game?

I want to do all three. But I ain’t promising anything.

Not yet.

Maybe when I get one of ’em closer to the finish line, I’ll talk about it.

Until then, thanks for stopping in. Thanks for thinking of my old friend.

See ya on the streets.

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