Free Sex Change (Inquire Within)
Something Shawn and I noticed going through the NPCs list is that a good 90% of the Kickstarter characters are men. This is a product of the Kickstarter demographics, of course, but it makes for a heavily-skewed public directory. Normally I’d just add a bunch more female NPCs but I’ve created some 250+ characters and, hey, I still need to get the book out.
So, here’s the thing: If you are a male Kickstarter backer who is being represented in the book (and if you pledged at least $5, that includes you) and would like to volunteer to have your NPC turned into a female, that would be awesome.
Shawn and I realize this is a strange request. And none of you are under any obligation to volunteer. I realize part of the incentive in being an NPC in the book is the ability to point at the listing and say, “Hey, that’s me! I’m a coked-out corrupt cop under investigation by Internal Affairs. SWEET!”
But if you’re up for it, just let me know.