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Unfulfilled Promises

UncategorizedJason L Blair09 September 2024

Seven years ago, I made some promises regarding Streets of Bedlam. Promises I didn’t keep. Promises I likely will never keep. And I apologize for that. Over the past seven years, my life has taken a number of twists, turns, dips, roundabouts, dropoffs, peaks, and valleys. My life has changed, friends. Considerably.

The very foundation of this here neo-noir game changed as well. A great new edition of Savage Worlds came out in 2019–itself already five years old. Tons of new neo-noir films have come out (a genre in which I am woefully behind). I no longer have much time for personal projects.

That said, I still love Streets of Bedlam to pieces. Such a fun world to crash into now and then. Such fun characters to write. I feel a need, a draw to do something with it.

A new edition? A novel? A video game?

I want to do all three. But I ain’t promising anything.

Not yet.

Maybe when I get one of ’em closer to the finish line, I’ll talk about it.

Until then, thanks for stopping in. Thanks for thinking of my old friend.

See ya on the streets.

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Back to the Streets

GeneralJason L Blair27 July 2017

Hey, everyone!

So, after a long funk accompanied by constant pain and an eventual full left hip replacement, I am back.

What does that mean? It means I have renewed energy for personal projects, after a long period away, and am committed to finishing up some long overdue efforts. I recently (just yesterday) bought a new work laptop for writing and layout. I have some files to dig out of my old, busted laptop but I am already up and running.

I’m posting this both at LittleFears.com and StreetsOfBedlam.com because this applies to both of those lines.

Little Fears Nightmare Edition

I am currently finishing up Campfire Tales #8: The House that Wasn’t There. It should see release next week. Then I’m going to get the Little Fears Middle Grade novel, The Wolf Pact, laid out and up for digital sale (and digital fulfillment on that Kickstarter).

From there, I will get print copies of The Wolf Pact set up and ordered so those of you awaiting hardcopies can finally get yours.

Then, I’m going to take a break to do up some Streets of Bedlam stuff but, when I return to Little Fears Nightmare Edition, I wanna finish Campfire Tales #9: On Paper Wings, She Flew and then run the Kickstarter to print Little Fears Nightmare Edition Book 4: Campfire Tales Collection, which will contain all nine Campfire Tales and an anthology-exclusive Campfire Tales #10: Return to Camp Howling Wolf. Have no fear though, Campfire Tales loyalists will be able to grab a PDF of the tenth adventure during the Kickstarter.

From there? Well, I’d love to write the follow-up to The Wolf Pact. But let’s finish these goals before I get too far ahead of myself.

Streets of Bedlam

My poor, abandoned Savage Worlds setting. I love Streets of Bedlam and have some work left to do. After taking that aforementioned break from LFNE, I’m gonna finish up SoB Stories #3: A Priest + a Rabbi Walk into a Bar. Then, I’m gonna layout the second supplement to see where that stands as far as page count, illustration needs, completeness. I won’t have the scratch to illustrate it just yet but it’s written. And it’s really cool.

After, I’d like to release SoB Stories #4: Canary in a Coal Mine as well as #5: The Devils from Dublin.

Of course, there’s plenty more I’d love to do with SoB but I have enough to fulfill already. I’m itching to do so, and I can’t fully express just how reenergized I am after such a long time away.

Other Stuff

I…may have some other fun things in the pipe to fill this out. More info when I can.

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Out Now: SoB Stories #2

GeneralJason L Blair18 August 2015

Live Nude Girls
The ladies of Bricktown have enjoyed relative peace since Queenie ascended the throne. But somebody in town has taken some fungirls hostage and is using them as leverage to get something from the head Valkyrie. Something she’s not eager to part with.

Grab it now in PDF.

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SoB Stories #2 – Out Wednesday!

GeneralJason L Blair17 August 2015

Hey everyone! Real quick update tonight.

SoB Stories #2: Live Nude Girls is almost ready. I just need to do a final editing pass, write up some stat blocks, and lay it out. It should hit DriveThruRPG this Wednesday!

Then it’ll be on to Campfire Tales #8 for Little Fears Nightmare Edition!

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A Long-Overdue Update

GeneralJason L Blair10 August 2015

Wow. It’s been almost a year since I last updated. I really left you all hanging. Geez.

In addition to zero updates, I’ve slacked hard on fulfilling orders in a timely fashion and following up on rules email and such.

That’s not good. And I know that.

So I’m looking to correct this moving forward.

This year has been insanely busy at the day job. Pair that with working in exercise and family time and I’ve spent nearly every hour I’ve been give since the calendar turned. Unfortunately, fitting in any extracurricular stuff, such as Little Fears and Streets of Bedlam, has been tough.

As the time has passed, my stress levels spiked off the charts and I hit a wall. I was anxious, depressed, and unfulfilled as well as agitated and uncertain about what I wanted out of life. The past month and a half have been particularly hard.

Thankfully, my wife is there for me when I am not and she booked a family vacation for a weekend out in the woods. So it was I spent last weekend holed up in a cabin surrounded by miles and miles of not-much which, aside from having to drive twenty minutes for groceries, was pretty spectacular. Normally I would fill my time with work, either day job or my own writing, or spend all my energy dealing with large crowds of people which is hugely exhausting for folks like me. And I’d come back from the “vacation” even worse off than I started.

But not this time.

This time, I did nothing but let myself be surrounded by trees, friendly roaming creatures, a bull-headed cat, a super-friendly chocolate lab, and walks in the woods.

It was amazing. And relaxing. And clarifying.

I don’t want to undersell that last point. “Clarifying.” My head has been so filled with static—work work work obligations obligations obligations—that I just ran head first from one task to another until I dropped. Like I said above: Every hour was filled. And, while I love my job and family, none of it was focused on my personal writing, which is one of the few things that keeps my anxiety demons at bay.

I thought maybe I could handle this. That maybe I could find time to fulfill my obligations to Little Fears and Streets of Bedlam in my spare time but make other things my top priority focus. But I couldn’t. I didn’t have “spare time.” No, I needed to make the time. I need to carve hours out of my day and dedicate them to my, shall we say, “ambition writing.” I needed to make my own writing a higher priority than it was. Yes, my day job is awesome and pays the bills, but my ultimate happiness relies on me putting out words that were wholly my own. That were my characters in my worlds doing my things. That were available to fans of my works, works that I love to support and grow. That had the potential to be books with my name on them put out by publishers who were not me.

And here it is, the Monday after and I still feel that way. I need to always feel that way. I need to make my own writing part of my daily routine. I need to fulfill my obligations.

Which is why I’m writing this to you today. Because I’m on a path to make things right.

Step One: More Timely Shipments
The money you pay for your hardcopies pays for the time it takes me to sign, package, and ship the products. I need to turn this around faster. I have let months go from initial order to final delivery and that’s not acceptable.

Step Two: Better Communications
I have some emails in the queue that need answered. I have fans on social media that deserve better support.

Step Three: More Product
Right now, the most outstanding product in the Streets of Bedlam line is SoB Stories #2. Which is almost done. Speaking of:

My Schedule

Starting tonight, I’m getting back into my own writing. I will have two nights each week to dedicate to writing and time outside of that, here and there, to do it as I can. But those two nights are nothing to sneeze at. There’s no good reason I can’t crank out 3-4k words each week. That’ll help me start to dig out from the hole I’m in and that’s good. It also gives me clearer goals as to when I can get stuff out.

First on my plate is the aforementioned SoB Stories #2. I am about 2-3k words away from finishing it. I will get that done this week and out next Wednesday. Then, I want to get back into Little Fears by finishing up Campfire Tales #8: The House That Wasn’t There. According to the latest file, I’m at the 33% mark there, which puts me about 5k words until done. I already have the art, so quick math check, I will have that finished next week.

I normally put in words like “should” or “aim to” but not this time. That gives me too much room to fudge. Instead, I’m dedicating to it. And not fulfilling that promise means I failed.

After that, I will decide whether I’m going to put out SoB Stories #3 for Streets of Bedlam or focus on The Wolf Pact novel for Little Fears. In fairness, SoB Stories #3 was promised first—and thus is later—but I would like to do some fiction. I’ll make that call soon enough.

Anyway, that’s where things are at. I am truly sorry for dropping the ball as much and as hard as I have lately. I am going to work to correct this and do better in the future.

(You’ll notice a similar post over at LittleFears.com. Figured it was better to write this once and change some details than spend time restating everything.)


Sin City 2 Special! SoB Mainbook PDF for just $10!

GeneralJason L Blair21 August 2014

Hey there, Bedlamites!

In honor of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For‘s premiere, I’m running a Streets of Bedlam sale over at DriveThruRPG. You can grab the SoB mainbook for just ten bones. Have a friend who’s been interested? Need to pick up a digital version of your hardcopy? Now’s the time.

You can grab the PDF here.

The special will run until Monday, August 25th. And be sure to hit the theaters for Sin City 2 this weekend!

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Shot of Inspiration: SIN CITY – A DAME TO KILL FOR

GeneralJason L Blair20 August 2014

Out Friday.

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Out Now: SoB Stories #1

GeneralJason L Blair18 July 2014

It’s finally here! The Summer of Bedlam has officially kicked off with the release of SoB Stories #1: This Town is Gonna Kill Me!

One year ago, a well-meaning citizen talked a mild-mannered accountant out of throwing herself off the roof of her apartment building. When that same citizen goes missing, the accountant looks for help in finding the man—not knowing just how many people want her savior to disappear for good.

Thank you all for your patience, and a big thank you to Kickstarter Backer Josh Bazin for his input on the story. It was a lot of fun working a tiny nugget of an idea into a full-fledged scenario based on key feedback from a fan. I hope you all enjoy it.

Click here or on the image below to check out the page on DriveThruRPG. (I’ll be sending out the free codes to qualified Kickstarter Backers momentarily.)

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Make that Friday the 18th

GeneralJason L Blair14 July 2014

Sorry, folks, but this weekend was a bust for writing. New target for release of SoB Stories #1: This Time is Gonna Kill Me is this Friday. I sincerely hope to hit it earlier!

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SoB Stories #1 Delayed Until Next Monday

GeneralJason L Blair09 July 2014

My sincerest apologies, folks, but “This Town is Gonna Kill Me” just keeps on growing. While this means more content in the end, it also means I need to push it back. For safety’s sake, I’m announcing a new release date of Monday, July 14th. I hope you agree it’ll be worth the wait. I’m having a lot of fun with this one.

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